
If you see something, say something!

Please contact us if you have comments or questions, or to report suspected neglect or abuse in Fulton County, NY.

If you are in Fulton County, Georgia, please refer to Atlanta Humane’s Website.

Phone: (518) 736-2100 (24hr/7 days a week)


Try to gather the following information before submitting a report of animal cruelty:

  • A concise, written, factual statement of what you observed—giving dates and approximate times whenever possible—to provide to law enforcement.
  • Photographs of the location, the animals in question and the surrounding area. Note: do not put yourself in danger! Do not enter another person’s property without permission, and exercise great caution around unfamiliar animals who may be frightened or in pain.
  • If you can, provide law enforcement with the names and contact information of other people who have firsthand information about the abusive situation. 

It is possible to file an anonymous report, but please consider providing your information. The case is more likely to be pursued when there are credible witnesses willing to stand behind the report and, if necessary, testify in court.

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